Smoke detectors, MRI and runing shoes- what is the same about all these inventions? It may sound strange, but they well all made possible by space research. NASA does research to create new technologies and produts for their space program. one expample is smoke detectors. They were first used in the space station in 1973 to detect any dangerous gases. Now smoke detectors are used in most homes and buildings to warn people of fire. 를 해석 해 주세요

[질문] Smoke detectors, MRI and runing shoes- what is the same about all these inventions? It may sound strange, but they well all made possible by space research. NASA does research to create new technologies and produts for their space program. one expample is smoke detectors. They were first used in the space station in 1973 to detect any dangerous gases. Now smoke detectors are used in most homes and buildings to warn people of fire. 를 해석 해 주세요

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[연관] 주어 동사 찾아주세요 ! 1. With the growth of the Internet, tourism, and the global economy, it feels like the world is getting smaller. Ideas, products, and customs are flying from country to country. As the number of cultural exports grows, the world is truly becoming a global village. However, some people are unhappy about the rapid spread of foreign cultures. They worry it will harm their local identity. 2. Criminals are finding it harder to hide from the law. Trained with the latest technology, forensic scientists work with police departments. Using microscopes and computers, they help solve even the most difficult cases. Scientific techniques have been used in police work for centuries. In 1248, a book from China listed ways to figure out what weapon was used in a crime. Later, in 1775, a Swedish scientist learned how to tell if poison was used to murder someone. Then, in 1835, police officers in England started using ballistics. It’s a technique to match a bullet with the gun it was fired from. 3. In recent years, we’ve seen a new group of super givers. At the top of the list is Bill Gates. In 1994, using money from his Microsoft fortune, he set up the William & Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation first helped US libraries get connected to the Internet. Then, it turned to fighting diseases like AIDS and malaria in poor countries. From 1994 to 2007, the foundation gave away more than $13 billion. 4. Many countries are going through an important population shift. People are having fewer children, and lifespans are getting longer. Living longer is great, but it leads to some problems. After people retire, they collect pensions, and their healthcare costs go up. Much of the burden for paying these costs falls on the current workforce. Yet, as the workforce gets smaller -- due to low fertility rates -- less tax money is collected. The situation puts heavy pressure on companies and governments. 5. New York City is made up of five sections, or “boroughs”:Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. Although the city is spread out, its eight-million-plus residents can easily get around on the excellent subway system. Each year, more than 1.5 billion riders travel on one of twenty-six routes. 6. The world’s forests are disappearing. For a number of reasons, that’s cause for alarm. Governments, NGOs and private individuals are taking steps to reverse this trend. In many places, efforts are underway to restore forests that have been damaged or destroyed. The first step is to identify the species of trees that are native to the area. Ideally, a variety of species are planted. That improves an area’s biodiversity. Over the next two years, seedlings are monitored to make sure they grow healthily. 7. In many places around the world, people already live in crisis. More than one billion people have no access to clean water. That leads to millions of deaths every year, including thousands of children dying everyday in Africa. By 2025, as many as twenty-five African countries may face water shortages. It could even lead to wars over water rights. 9. Yoga has a long list of benefits. It improves strength, raises energy levels, and makes a person more flexible. On top of that, yoga can help with problems like back pain. And, it can help people lose weight. What’s more, yoga can lower one’s stress level and lead to a greater sense of calm. With all these benefits, it’s no wonder there are yoga classes in so many countries. Some new styles have even been developed outside of India. 10. Some countries, unfortunately, have had less success with reforestation. Illegal harvesting and livestock over-grazing are among the problems which they face. Despite such setbacks, reforestation efforts are spreading. More countries are becoming aware of the benefits brought by healthy forests. They improve the soil, stop the spread of deserts, and protect the ground water. Forests also help in the fight against global warming by removing carbon gases from the air. Furthermore, healthy forests make the land more beautiful for future generations.
[연관] 이거 해석좀 해주세여. As most people are aware, human's abuse of fossil fuels over the decades has led to a calamitous phenomena known as global warming. may be, most of people will change their habits if they hope to recover. that's why many People are interested in how to live green. Living green doesn't mean you have to wave goodbye to all the niceties and luxuries of modern life. There are plenty of things you can do which will help you to live green without total sacrifice. Here are some tips that will help you to start to live green.fist, Re-use: the bags you get every time you shop are good for more than one trip. Re-use them or, better yet, buy a "bag for life" and use that. second, Re-cycle: you probably already have a recycling collection service. If not, look out for recycling places local to you and drop off your newspapers, bottles, cans, etc next time you are passing. Don't make a special trip though. third, Eat local produce. Especially if it's bought fresh from a Farmer's Market. You'll notice the difference in taste. And if you buy just what you need rather than the supersize pack your grocery store normally sells it probably won't cost much more. forth, Turn unused appliances off at the socket. Standby mode still uses lots of energy. Cut your fuel bills by turning off televisions and other items when they're not in use. That includes your computer's monitor as well. fifth, Wash your clothes at a lower temperature. Modern detergents work fine at lower temperatures. Or throw away the detergent in favor of Eco washing balls. sixth, Turn down the thermostat in the winter and turn it up in the summer if you use air-conditioning. One or two degrees difference is barely noticeable, except when the fuel thermostat arrives. seventh, Compost waste if you have a garden, saving on fertilizer cost and giving your plants a treatment they'll love. let's take above methods to preserve our earth.

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