최신 질문
I don't want to be the only oddball. How's your traveling?해석이요
조회수 77 | 2010.02.22 | 문서번호: 11697307
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난 오직 괴짜가 되고 싶진 않아. 당신 여행은 어땠어? 입니다. oddball은 괴짜라는 뜻입니다.
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they tell the world not only how you want to be seen,but how you see yourself
It's good that you really like something and know what you want to do in the fut
Now you only need to let you go to i believe you
When finally hour being many, to transform! Goodbye total it is strong
영어 해석좀 해주세요 !! I want to someone get in on You make it bad in on I want you know that 'fierce fierce' cannot You wanna make let me down to cancle get to come on I want you know that cancle one cancle one 'You wanna people stay' I want you know that bad again when I can stay now 'Don't wanna people stay' I want you know it same to get it on I'll be there You'll be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now I'll be there You'll be there I wanna be I want you know that come on take come on take come on 'You wanna people stay' I want you know that bad again when I can stay now 'Don't wanna people stay' I want you know it same to get it on I'll be there You'll be there could be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now I'll be there You'll be there could be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now I'll be there You'll be there could be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now I'll be there You'll be there could be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now
I only want my love to grow in you 해석해주세요
Howlong[have you been waiting/had you been waiting]when they called your number?
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폐비의 딸로 살다가 예언의 주인공이 되었다
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