최신 질문
he knows better than to climb the mountain without making a preparations beforeh
조회수 58 | 2010.01.23 | 문서번호: 11312404
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그는 사전에 계획을 하지않고 등산을할만큼 어리석지는 않다. 라고해석하시면됩니다
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The little boy knows better than to lend him money 해석요
영어 해석좀 해주세요 !! I want to someone get in on You make it bad in on I want you know that 'fierce fierce' cannot You wanna make let me down to cancle get to come on I want you know that cancle one cancle one 'You wanna people stay' I want you know that bad again when I can stay now 'Don't wanna people stay' I want you know it same to get it on I'll be there You'll be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now I'll be there You'll be there I wanna be I want you know that come on take come on take come on 'You wanna people stay' I want you know that bad again when I can stay now 'Don't wanna people stay' I want you know it same to get it on I'll be there You'll be there could be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now I'll be there You'll be there could be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now I'll be there You'll be there could be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now I'll be there You'll be there could be there I wanna be I'll be there I want you make it feel now
She wanted us to gat to know one another better 해석좀부탁드려요!
You know better than I 가사1절 You know the way 이후가사좀여
she was quite upset but i knew it would be better to lie to heq than to tell
no better A than B 뜻?
dont you know i cantmake a call?better you to make a call nwy hows your intervie
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