Sure 중등 영문법 level 3 수동태 답지

[질문] Sure 중등 영문법 level 3 수동태 답지

2024.01.01. 22:01:53 | 문서번호: 13933

전체 답변:

수동태 문장의 형식은 "주어 + be 동사 + 과거분사"입니다. 따라서 주어와 동사를 바꾸어야 합니다. 아래는 중등 영문법 level 3 수동태 문제의 답지입니다.

  1. The cake was baked by my mom.
  2. The book was written by Mark Twain.
  3. The car was repaired by the mechanic.
  4. The letter was sent by John.
  5. The house was built by the construction workers.
  6. The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg.
  7. The meal was cooked by the chef.
  8. The picture was painted by Picasso.
  9. The song was sung by Beyonce.
  10. The problem was solved by the teacher.
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